
I'm a French-Australian designer, trained in architecture at the École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture Paris-Malaquais and at the Melbourne School of Design, where I obtained my Masters Degree in Architecture. I have worked in art and architecture studios in Europe, Australia and California, where I am currently based.

After two years project managing at Ball-Nogues Design Studio, I worked with BRC Imagination Arts on a large experiential project in Europe, and am now Director of Design at Plasticland.
My architectural criticism has been published in the Evening Standard (UK), my work was featured on the cover of Architect Victoria (Australia) and I was recently interviewed by Superstudio (USA), and previously in ALU magazine (Germany).  I've lectured and sat on panels at Malaquais, USC School of Architecture, Melbourne School of Design, Free School of Architecture (Los Angeles) Ecole Libre d'Architecture (Paris), and taught as part of the Meeting of European Design Students (MEDS).                                                                                                                                                                   
My work has been exhibited in Paris, Melbourne, San Francisco, Stockholm and Los Angeles.